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Encountering Jesus: Come & See
Ash Wednesday: Your Sins are Forgiven
Wake Up: To Lent
Wake Up: Your Lazarus
Wake Up: To Generosity
Wake Up: To Jesus
Lent Guide 2
Open Doors
Lent Guide 1: Ash Wednesday
Encountering Jesus: Lenten Devotions
When It Matters the Most
Nominated Elders & Deacons – Congregational Meeting on March 23
Encountering Jesus
This Lent—a season traditionally dedicated to reflecting on the life of Jesus and His journey toward the cross—we are turning to the Gospels for stories of those who encountered Jesus.…
Wake Up
When we focus on prayer, worship, and surrender, we open the door to a spiritual awakening that transforms our lives and draws us closer to God’s presence. Ephesians 5:14 reminds…
Jacob: Life of a Disciple
Many Old Testament stories herald the kind of heroes we want to look up to and emulate. David the defeater of Goliath, Joshua the brave voyager, Elijah the voice of…
Advent: In Light of the Messiah
Romans: Good News for All
Welcome Home
We’re in a teaching series called Welcome Home, where we’ll be turning to the things we long to see in our church that shape who we are as a community.…
Psalms: The Heart of Worship
Through the summer, we are returning to the Psalms to point us back to the “heart of worship.” In the Bible, the word “heart” is used more than any other…
The Power of the Holy Spirit
If Christ is Risen, Then _______
Life of the Son
Heart of the Father
Advent: Preparing the Way
Pilgrims & Priests
A Journey Through 1 Peter
The Love of Christ
Gain Wisdom
“The one who gets wisdom loves life; the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper.” Proverbs 19:8 This summer at HP Pres, we will dive into the book of Proverbs.…
Led by the Spirit
When You Pray
Seven Deadly Sins
The Great Omission
The Story That Stills Our Fears
1 Corinthians: Redeeming the Church
If there was one church that caused Paul to pull his hair out and made him age before his time, it was the church in Corinth. The problems were numerous:…
Lent: The Way of the Cross
A study of Mark through the season of Lent
Hymns: Songs that Shape Us
Learning from some of the great hymns of our faith and drawing out the rich biblical promises they instill in our hearts.
Did God Really Say That?
A look at some of the sayings that we think are in scripture, but aren't, in order to better know the real God of the bible.
Standalone Sermons