What to Expect on Your Visit
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Connections Team
Look for us!
Every Sunday, all over our campus, you can find helpful members of our Connections Team. Be on the lookout for people wearing matching blue shirts or HP Pres nametags, and they'll help answer any questions you might have during your visit.
Drop us a line using the form below, and a member of our Connections team will contact you and help you find your next steps at Highland Park Pres.
Kids & Students
What about my kids?
Kids & Students of all ages are always welcome in all of our worship gatherings. If your younger child is needing a quieter spot, there are Mother's Rooms located in the Sanctuary and Elliott Hall. Child care is also available during all our 9:30 and 11 am worship services.
From Pre-K through High School, we offer exciting gatherings where your child will have fun and grow in their faith.
Join us Sunday
Where do I park?
We're in a neighborhood at 3821 University Boulevard and have an underground parking garage with designated handicap parking and elevator access. The entrance to the garage is from McFarlin Blvd, but you can also park on side streets surrounding our church. When you arrive, keep an eye out for our shuttle. Wave at the driver and they'll give your family a ride to your destination!
Get Connected
What do I do next?
What is our current sermon series about? What scripture are we covering? Who is preaching? Where can I see the Worship guide online? Visit our Sunday Resources page.
Wheelchair-accessible seating is located along the outside of the main aisles in the Sanctuary during the 9:30 and 11 am services. In Elliott Hall, spacing is available along the outside rows and the back of the room for easy access.
Hearing assistance packs are available in Elliott Hall and the Sanctuary. T-coil-equipped hearing aids can also be used in the Sanctuary. Please see an usher for assistance with the packs or any questions regarding seating.