The Foundation at HP Pres Update – Advent Family Experience
Advent Family Experience Made Possible by The Foundation at HP Pres
Through the generosity of the Mary and Al Wood Endowment Fund at The Foundation at HP Pres, over 400 children, parents, grandparents and grandchildren enjoyed the Advent Family Experience in December. It was a festive night of celebration where children were encouraged to wear their pajamas and a fun breakfast for dinner was served. Children were spiritually prepared for the holiday as they heard the Christmas story from Luke 2 and sang Christmas carols led by our wonderful children’s choirs. Participants were also given the HP Pres Advent Guide to take home and study as a family. As families talked at their tables, stories were shared, laughter was heard, community was built, and a spiritual investment was made in our children and families.
To learn more about how you can leave a legacy in perpetuity for God’s Kingdom, please contact Lori Haughton, Executive Director of the Foundation at HP Pres, at 214-525-4242, lori.haughton@hppres.org, www.foundationhppres.org.