Pastor Nominating Committee Nominees
Meet The Pastor Nominating Committee Nominees
On Sunday, April 28, at the end of our 11 am Sanctuary service, there will be a Congregational Meeting to vote on nominees to serve on the Pastor Nominating Committee. Learn more about the entire search process at
Kurt Alexander
Kurt and his wife Melissa have two children, ages 4 and 7. They became actively involved at HP Pres soon after they moved from Atlanta to Dallas in 2014. They have served in a variety of capacities over the years, most recently with Kurt serving as an Elder and ONC committee moderator.
Carol Chapman
Carol has been a member of HP Pres since childhood, and she and her husband, Patton, have been worshiping and serving together for over 43 years. They have three grown children and seven grandchildren. Carol’s areas of activity have included serving as Sunday School Superintendent, Early Childhood Moderator, Circle Chairman, VBS teacher, the Prayer Room, Austin Street Center Volunteer, Women’s Retreat Co-Chair, book studies, and welcoming people to HP Pres as a cart driver.
Charles Davis
Charles and his wife Sally have been members at HP Pres for 18 years. They have two adult children. Charles has served as Deacon Moderator & Vice Moderator, as well as being on the Deacon GriefShare team. In addition, he has served on the Officer Nominating Committee, on the Board of The Day School as board chair, and in recent years as a table lead for Teach Me to Pray. Charles is currently an Elder serving on the session, actively involved in the Ascent Men’s Ministry, the Listening Prayer Team, the Crisis Prayer Team, and is serving on the Columbarium Committee.
Jed Melson
Jed is a lifelong member of HP Pres. He is married to Jen, and they have four boys, ages 3 to 12. He has served as an Elder, on the Operations Committee, on the Start Here team, and currently teaches in the Highland Kids ministry. Jed and Jen have been in multiple community groups over their marriage, most recently leading ones for newlyweds.
Aaron Murff
Aaron has been married to his wife, Hillary Murff, for 17 years, and they have four children. Aaron and Hillary have been active members of Highland Park Presbyterian Church since they joined in 2018. They have loved serving together, teaching Sunday School in the Highland Kids Ministry, as well as in Marriage Prep.
Austin Neuhoff
Austin has been a member for over 20 years. He is married to Pauline, and they have four adult children. Austin has been active in serving refugees in the Dallas community since 2010. He first started through the Sanctuary Ministry at HP Pres with the Lost Boys of Sudan and has been helping refugees from Eritrea, Iraq, Somalia, Bhutan, and other countries. He and his wife have enjoyed being an “older couple” as part of a young married couples community group for the past few years.
Kelsey Phillips
Kelsey is married to Chandler Phillips, and they have three children in 6th through 8th grade. Kelsey has been a Covenant Partner for 20 years. She enjoys serving in leadership and teaching roles with Anchor, Teach Me to Pray, and The Prayer Project prayer teams. Kelsey is currently on the session in her second year as Elder.
Neil Rambin
Neil joined HP Pres in 1980. While active in leadership in the young singles ministry of HP Pres he met his future wife, Nelene. Together they have two grown sons. Neil has served in various capacities including as a deacon, elder, committee moderator, adult Sunday School teacher, and Clerk of the Session. He currently serves as a member of the session’s Vision Committee, as a Sunday morning greeter for the 11 am Hall Worship Service, and as a member of the ECO Texas Presbytery Governing Council.
Bailey Schaufele
Bailey joined HP Pres in 2017 with her husband, Paul. Bailey and Paul were married in June of 2014 and have three children ages 4 to 7. She is currently serving as a deacon and helps lead Re|Engage and Highland Kids Sunday School classes. Bailey is active in the residential real estate community and enjoys playing tennis and spending time with her family.
Alisa Sell
Alisa and her family moved to Dallas in 2008 and joined HP Pres in 2009. Alisa and Clay have three adult children. Currently, Alisa serves as an Elder, as well as on the Columbarium and Vision committees. She has served as a deacon, a table leader for both Anchor Women’s Bible Study and the new member’s classes, a VBS teacher, a Confirmation Mentor, and on the Highland Students committee. In addition, she and her family have mentored five international SMU students through a joint venture between SMU and HP Pres.
Ashley Shull
A lifelong member, Ashley was baptized, confirmed, and married at Highland Park Presbyterian Church. She currently serves in the Highland Students ministry and in Anchor. A Deacon since 2021, Ashley is married to Vance, and together, they have three children in 1st through 9th grade.