Session Update – September 2023
The Session of Highland Park Presbyterian Church is the ruling body of our congregation, charged with governance, overseeing the Church’s spiritual health, and guiding its mission for Christ in the world. To better do this, the Session frequently communicates with the congregation of HP Pres to report its decisions and activities.
On Monday, September 25, our Session met after prayer and fasting to discuss leading HP Pres. Below are some of the highlights from the meeting that you should be aware of and pray for this next month. If you have questions or feedback about any of these topics, you can contact the Session.
- Our Session meeting began with a time of prayer for one another and members of our church family.
- Our Session got to know two of our incoming Class of 2023 elders a little bit better as Cole Evans and Lana Adams shared their personal faith journey.
- Will Zhao, our incoming Church Planter in Residence, shared his faith and experiences with church planting in Richardson, and he expressed his call to seek ordination in ECO. The Session voted unanimously for Zhao to begin the ordination process.
- The Vision Committee led a presentation about the Emotional Health initiatives at HP Pres across our Discipleship, Care, and Community Group ministries.
- The Family of Churches committee shared that they are beginning the process of planting our 4th church as part of Vision 100 and praying for the right church planters to come to light.
- Our Operations Committee celebrated the end of a strong fiscal year and thanked God for providing for our family of churches. You can be part of our church’s mission by setting up recurring giving at
- The Sr. Director of Operations search is underway. You can learn more at
- There will be a Congregational Meeting on Sunday, October 22, to elect our next Officer Nominating Committee. The task of the Officer Nominating Committee is to lead the process of recommending new Elders and Deacons for the Class of 2024. The nominees for the ONC are: Reid Slaughter (m), John Rain (vm), Anne Evans, Josh Ginsborg, Elizabeth Huggins, Lauren Langley, Dr. Brian Long, Dr. Tana Roberts, and Audrey Schmit.
The Session of HP Pres