Session Update – October 2022
The Session of Highland Park Presbyterian Church is the ruling body of our congregation, charged with governance, overseeing the Church’s spiritual health, and guiding its mission for Christ in the world. To better do this, the Session frequently communicates with the congregation of HP Pres to report its decisions and activities.
On Monday, October 24, our Session met after a time of prayer and fasting to discuss leading HP Pres. Below are some of the highlights from the meeting that you should be aware of and pray for this next month. If you have questions or feedback about any of these topics, you can contact the Session at hppres.org/elders.
- Two of our newest elders, Maddie Wilkins and Lauren Langley, shared their testimonies with the Session.
- Amos Gichuki, a member of our All Nations community, shared his testimony, and the Session affirmed his call to pursue vocational ministry.
- On Sunday, October 24, the congregational voted to elect our new Officer Nominating Committee. Learn more about them and recommend future elders and deacons at hppres.org/onc.
- Our Session celebrated the launch of Good Shepherd Oak Cliff and their incredible first Sunday gathering. Learn more about them at goodshepherdoakcliff.org.
- Time was spent in discussion and prayer over the topic of mental health to discern what God’s calling is to HP Pres in combatting this epidemic in our community. Read through our available mental health resources at hppres.org/mental-health-resources and learn more about receiving care at hppres.org/care.
- Jay Lee shared an update about the progress toward our Vision 100 goals. Learn more at hppres.org/vision.
- A conversation was had about engagement, how it differs from attendance, and how to best invite people directly to engage with the vision of HP Pres, so that people can find and follow Jesus with us.
- Our fiscal year-end for 2021-22 ended strongly with giving above our target budget. Thank you to everyone who gives to our church and makes it possible to carry out our mission.
- In light of Pastor Appreciation Month, our Session urges our congregation to pray for our pastors. Spend some time this week praying for God to lead our pastors as they lead others and live out their calling in ministry. View our team at hppres.org/staff
The Session of HP Pres