Session Update – November 2022
The Session of Highland Park Presbyterian Church is the ruling body of our congregation, charged with governance, overseeing the Church’s spiritual health, and guiding its mission for Christ in the world. To better do this, the Session frequently communicates with the congregation of HP Pres to report its decisions and activities.
On Monday, November 29, our Session met after a time of prayer and fasting to discuss leading HP Pres. Below are some of the highlights from the meeting that you should be aware of and pray for this next month. If you have questions or feedback about any of these topics, you can contact the Session at
- One of our newest elders, Kelsey Phillips, shared their testimony with the Session.
- Emily Scates shared stories of the growth that has come out of this past year’s Discipleship Conversations, which are two people exploring together what it means to be disciples of Jesus. Plans were shared for inviting more of our congregation to take part in a conversation this January.
- Judi Wheeler shared a report about the work taking place in our Outreach ministry and stories of impact around the world. You can learn more about our partnerships and upcoming opportunities to be involved at and We’re grateful for how our congregation has been engaged with Outreach this year:
- 680 people gave gifts to Designated Giving Opportunities, investing over $1.1m above and beyond our General Operating Budget.
- 400 members volunteered 13,225 hours with our mission partners.
- After taking a break from mission trips for two years due to covid, it was exciting to see a return to this practice in 2022. We saw 30 adults and 95 kids go on trips this year, and we expect even more next year. Learn more at
- 950 individuals helped created 2,500 hygiene kits for refugees in Ukraine.
- Over $2m was spent this past year on disaster relief, our compassion fund, supporting missionaries, and engaging with local and global partners, marking one of the most outwardly generous years in HP Pres history.
- The Session voted to hold a Congregational Meeting on Sunday, January 15, to approve the purchase of the property where Grace Church Lake Highlands currently meets. The money for the purchase has been raised and will not impact Highland Park Presbyterian Church. More information about the purchase will be available soon, and an informational meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 10, at 11 am in the Hunt Center, Room B.
- We’re seeking recommendations for future elders and deacons. Submit yours before December 11 at
- We’re excited to host you, your family, and your friends this Christmas Eve at 12, 2, 4, 6, or 8 pm. Learn more about Advent and Christmas at
- The Operations Committee reported that giving is strong and above our targets due to a strong September. The committee is closely watching December giving in light of an uncertain economy. Thank you to everyone who gives to our church and makes it possible to carry out our mission. Learn more about our budget at
The Session of HP Pres