Session Update – May 2022
On Monday, May 23, our Session met after a time of prayer and fasting to discuss leading HP Pres. Below are some of the highlights from the meeting that you should be aware of and praying for during this next month. If you have questions or feedback about any of these topics, you can contact the Session at hppres.org/elders.
We celebrated good news at HP Pres that took form in a few key metrics:
40 new people committed to serving on Count Me In Sunday.
28 new people have committed to serving in Early Childhood on Sunday morning, alleviating a critical need.
881 children and volunteers are currently signed up for VBS, and more are expected.
$440,000+ has been raised for relief efforts in and near Ukraine
2,400 Relief Kits have been created by our members to be sent to help with efforts in and near Ukraine.
We have been able to welcome a large number of new people to our campus to find and follow Jesus, thanks in part to the new spaces that our Transform project has created. We are just $1.7m away from completely funding this initiative. By making a gift to our Transform campaign, you can be an essential part of welcoming new families for generations to come. Head to hppres.org/give to help us wrap up our Transform project.
Grace Church Lake Highlands delivered exciting news about the prospect of buying a property to house the church in the Lake Highlands area permanently. More details will be shared in the coming months.
The next addition to our family of churches, Good Shepherd Oak Cliff, is preparing to launch later this year. Currently, they are seeking prayers to overcome obstacles towards finding the right property in Oak Cliff to rent.
We have been reviewing our established policies and procedures for child protection to ensure that HP Pres remains a safe place for the next generation. Volunteers and staff training continue to be educated on these policies to ensure proper prevention and reporting. You can read our policies here.
An early version of our next fiscal year’s budget has been delivered to the Session, with themes focusing on responding appropriately to the current economic climate and addressing critical staffing shortages. More will be shared in the coming months.
We are happy to announce that our search for a new Director of Finance has been successful, and Teresa Guerra will be joining our staff family in the coming weeks.
Seeking to Glorify Him,
The Session at HP Pres