Ministry Partner Update: Austin Street Center
Austin Street Center, a long-time partner of HP Pres, not only provides men and women experiencing homelessness a safe place and basic resources but gives individuals dignity, comfort, and the tools to regain independence and stability. From employment services to mental health and spiritual support, Austin Street Center ensures that all residents are well cared for.
One of Austin Street Center’s programs, The Sisterhood Program, provides women experiencing homelessness with an ecosystem of support, including financial education, workforce development, life skills and social skills training. The Sisterhood Program includes a social enterprise business called Xela Aroma, where women make hand-poured candles using natural fragrances and essential oils, as well as luxury diffusers with natural reeds and long-lasting fragrance.
To support our ministry partner, Austin Street Center, and their Sisterhood Program, HP Pres is gifting all women in our congregation with one of their handcrafted candles following each worship service on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 14. If you are unable to attend and would like to support the mission of Austin Street Center, you may purchase their products online here.
All sales directly benefit the most vulnerable homeless individuals served at Austin Street Center.