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Waiting With God

Published On May 6, 2024

Tessa is a leader in the Oasis ministry at HP Pres and knows firsthand how infertility impacts your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Reflecting on her own journey and the numerous stories of other women, she shares that “when you feel like your body is betraying you, it really throws you.” There are levels of grief, anger, hope, and fear layered on top of one another, leaving people feeling exhausted and defeated, like a person craving water in the desert. 

The Oasis ministry invites people in and reminds them that they “are not unseen, forgotten, or alone because God sees us.” Every woman has a unique story, but they share a common understanding that this is not a season they chose to walk through. 

For Tessa, infertility brought her to rock bottom, where she called out to God, who answered her. He inspired her to begin the Oasis ministry almost ten years ago, surrounding her with a community of women who helped her wait well with God. Having led the group since its inception, she shares that “these women just love each other so much. We talk about so much more than this one specific struggle.” 

Together, they study stories in the Bible of other women who struggled and spend time sharing their burdens with the group. Oasis is “creating a legacy of women that will teach their children, their spouses, and everyone around them how to handle the hard things.” This group allows people to come as they are and be encouraged with the knowledge that it is okay to walk through the valley because that’s where the water is. 

If you would like to find an Oasis in this challenging season, you can go to hppres.org/care to connect with others who are experiencing infertility and miscarriage.

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