Diving Deeper
After graduating from Baylor in 2016, Michael was having difficulty adjusting to adult life and craved structure and community. While attending an event with other young professionals, he received an invitation to play ultimate frisbee with the Young Adults ministry at HP Pres. He immediately felt welcomed and at peace with the mix of staff members, pastors, and other young adults he met. Michael shares that since then “this church has become an anchor for me in my faith post-grad.”
Michael began looking for ways to dive even deeper in his faith and joined a Community Group of other young adults in similar life-stages to himself. He found the group to be “a great way for us to get rooted in the word while sharing life experience.” Although he didn’t know the group of guys very well at first, they have become his closest friends because of their commitment to understanding God’s word and each other.
Through his Community Group, the Holy Spirit worked in Michael’s heart, giving him a desire to take ownership of his faith and develop a personal understanding of the Bible. “When you own something, things change. It’s more real; therefore, I want to show up. It’s my choice and no one else is making that choice for me” (Michael, Community Group Member).
When you live in community with God and his people, it changes you for the better. “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17). Michael chose to show up consistently and found meaningful relationships that love God and love each other. If you haven’t found a community to be a part of, go to hppres.org/groups to take the first step. As Michael says, “just show up and you’ll see what God will do.”