Igniting Faith in Highland Students

What Student Ministry Looks Like

Sunday Mornings
9:30–10:30 am
At 9:30 am, all 7th-12th grade students are invited to join us for breakfast, Bible study and table groups in the Bell Center. At 11 am, student ministry families are invited to join our staff as we worship in the Elliott Hall service.

Sunday Nights
6-7:30 pm
Community Groups meet on Sundays from 6-7:30 pm to help students encounter Jesus and deepen community. We gather for dinner, worship, games, and teaching before breaking out into adult-led community groups.
Confirmation Class

Confirmation Class
A year-long community group and life-long faith-shaping experience for your 7th grader
One of the big milestones for your student is Confirmation, a year-long community group for 7th graders, which promises to be incredibly fun while also helping shape your student’s faith for the rest of their life.
Throughout the year, our Confirmation Students are invited to walk through the biblical story of what God has done to save us through Jesus. Along the way, we provide space for your student to discuss difficult faith questions, learn how to articulate their faith, and attend a spiritually formative retreat. Altogether, these experiences lay a strong faith foundation and provide a rite of passage as our students enter their teenage years and participate in the Highland Students Ministry here at HP Pres.
Our hope and prayer is that, through this process, your student comes to personally know and trust in Jesus Christ as their savior, that they are equipped and able to share their faith with the world, and then become a Covenant Partner of HP Pres during one of our worship services in the Spring. We also know that genuine faith isn’t coerced or programmed. For some kids, Confirmation is a place for them to learn more about the faith they have already been living in. For other kids, Confirmation is a welcoming place to explore who God is, and lays a foundation for them to follow Jesus later in their life. No matter where your student is in their faith journey, Confirmation will help them grow and explore their next steps.
Confirmation begins Sunday, August 18, 6-7:30 pm, in the Bell Center at HP Pres
Highland Students FAQ
Confirmation encourages our students to own and articulate their faith in Christ and to become covenant partners of Highland Park Pres. The Confirmation program can be captured under three headings: 1) The Faith, 2) My Faith, and 3) Our Faith.
The Faith: We will teach students the faith “once and for all handed down to the saints” (Jude 1:3). Through the Confirmation gatherings, our students will gain an understanding of the great story of God’s redemption that spans from creation to recreation.
My Faith: We will give students the opportunity to own and verbalize their personal faith in Christ through studying and memorizing Scripture, memorizing the Apostles’ Creed, writing their faith statement, meeting regularly with their mentor, and discussing their faith statement and vows with an HPPC staff leader.
Our Faith: We will give students the opportunity to experience Christ-centered community by actively participating in the Student Ministry of Highland Park Presbyterian Church. This will be lived out through small group Bible studies, serving opportunities, and retreats. We want our students to get a sense of what it means to be a lifelong disciple of Jesus as a member of a particular body of Christ.