Upcoming Events
What is Ascent?

Connectivity & Community

Tuesdays at 7 am
Ascent is at the core of our Men's Ministry, where we learn how to become the leaders God has called us to be in our homes, workplaces, and communities.
We meet on Tuesday mornings from 7–8 am for a time of teaching and small group discussion. We meet both in person in Elliott Hall and on Zoom, and we take a break for the summer.
Ascent will resume on Tuesday, Sept. 10
Weekly Classes
Thursdays, 7:15-8:30 am, Room K, Hunt Center
The Hundley-Poole Men’s Bible Study marches through various books of the Bible, relying on volunteer members of the group to lead an active and dynamic discussion.
This class is multi-generational, with men participating in their 40s to their 80s, with 30 to 40 men gathering each Thursday.
We offer a zoom option for those who are remote to participate fully in the discussion, frequently pulling in men from around Texas and the world.
Email Steve McLean, Pastoral Fellow