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Session Update – August 2023

Published On August 29, 2023

The Session of Highland Park Presbyterian Church is the ruling body of our congregation, charged with governance, overseeing the Church’s spiritual health, and guiding its mission for Christ in the world. To better do this, the Session frequently communicates with the congregation of HP Pres to report its decisions and activities.


On Monday, August 28, our Session met after prayer and fasting to discuss leading HP Pres. Below are some of the highlights from the meeting that you should be aware of and pray for this next month. If you have questions or feedback about any of these topics, you can contact the Session.


  • This meeting marked the first Session gathering that included our new Class of 2023 elders, who were ordained last Sunday, August 27. Learn more about them at hppres.org/elders.
  • This meeting was also the last Session gathering for our Class of 2020 elders, including Vic Bloede, Vuong Dao, Thornton Hardie, Sharon Johnson, Karen Konker, and Becky Paterik.
  • Garrick Roegner, long-time HP Pres supported missionary, shared his call to seek ordination in ECO. The session enthusiastically endorsed Garrick in his pursuit to become a pastor.
  • The ECO Coordinating Committee shared that the meeting of the Presbytery of Texas is taking place at HP Pres on September 15-16, 2023.
  • The Operations Committee celebrated fully paying off the remaining debt from the Transform campaign.
  • Giving has been strong in August and that, at the time of the Session meeting, about $500,000 was needed to meet our fiscal year-end giving goal by August 31, 2023. Additionally, spending is down as well.
  • A common misconception about giving at HP Pres is that gifts come primarily from a small number of givers, but in reality, our budget is funded by many individual families faithfully giving what they can. This year, we are celebrating 297 new families who have begun giving in any amount this year.
  • The Session approved the 2023-24 budget. Budgeted giving remains flat compared to the previous fiscal year’s budget.


The Session of HP Pres

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