He Qi Exhibition
For the month of December, our Chinese congregation is hosting an exhibit by artist Dr. James He Qi, located on the south wall of the Hunt Center. You can’t miss the vibrant, energetic, biblical pieces. The pieces together tell God’s biblical story through the Old and New Testaments.
He Qi lives in California and has studied at the Nanjing Normal University, the Nanjing Art Institute in China, and the Hamburg Art Institute in Germany. He was an artist-in-residence at Fuller Theological Seminary and a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Art Institute of RUC (Renmin University of China,Beijing).
He Qi hopes to help change the “foreign image” of Christianity in China by using artistic language. He Qi blends Chinese folk customs and traditional Chinese painting with the western art of the Middle and Modern Ages, adds his own spin, techniques, and style.
Dr. James He Qi will be coming to HP Pres to talk about each of his pieces on the evening of December 16. More details to come.
To visit He Qi’s official website, go to www.heqiart.com.