The Value of Serving Together
When Beau and Stephanie moved back to Dallas with their family in 2019, they visited several churches before deciding to make HP Pres their church home. Beau’s family has been a part of our church since he was a child, and they were excited that they would now be raising their three boys here as well.
You can often find them serving as a family with the Connections team on Sunday mornings. Stephanie shares, “Our boys enjoy handing out the programs and practicing their hellos to visitors as they walk through the doors! It’s an opportunity to set the tone for someone’s morning.” They value their time serving together as a family because it teaches their children that even the simplest acts of service can share God’s love.
They share about their experience on Sunday mornings, “We are a busy family with many different commitments, but this has allowed us to be engaged and serve in a way that works for our family’s season of life.” We all have something to offer, no matter your age, experience, or availability. You can still make a difference!
When you volunteer at our church, you are living out what it means to be the body of Christ. Because of your willingness to serve, people are welcomed to our campus, taught in Sunday classes, and connected to ministries that will help them find and follow Jesus. As we learn in 1 Corinthians 12:5, “There are different ways to serve. But they all come from the same Lord.”
Sign up to serve on Sunday mornings at hppres.org/count-me-in.