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high school mission trip

Foundational Service

Published On August 9, 2023

This summer, a team of thirty-seven students traveled with volunteers and staff from HP Pres to the Dominican Republic with the intention of helping to complete a home and assist our partner, Mission Emanuel with local outreach. Little did they know, God had bigger plans.

During last year’s trip to the DR, students began work on a home owned by a man named Carlos. Many of the students were returning this year, familiar with the location and people serving alongside them. By the end of the trip, they had completed the work on Carlos’ home and contributed to three additional homes that were not initially on the project list. They acted as the hands and feet of Jesus, bringing laughter and authenticity wherever they went.

Groups of students also traveled with people from Mission Emanuel to deliver supplies to individuals in the area that are homebound. While providing for their physical needs, they had the opportunity to pray with these families. They acted on the belief that “whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17).

The time spent building relationships and caring for the needs of others was a foundational opportunity for the students to see outside their own world. Although there were personal struggles, outside challenges, and unexpected obstacles, God was glorified through it all!

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