Audra’s Story
Audra attended HP Pres for the first time to watch her friend, Emily Scates, preach one Sunday morning. Because of her positive first impression, she “started visiting more often and really enjoyed the depth of the sermons.” Soon she began attending a young adults Sunday Class and quickly felt welcomed and known by the community.
Wanting to continue deepening her faith and relationship with her church, Audra decided to participate in the Becoming HP Pres course. She wanted to be “known and have the accountability to show up and to serve within the church.” During the course, people were encouraged to share their testimony. Taking the time to write down her story helped her to see the way God has continually shown up in her life.
Because of this step, Audra furthered her faith, knowledge, and relationships at HP Pres. She loves that “you get to meet new people, learn more about your church and the heart behind why they do things, you get to learn more about Eco and how that effects what we hear from the pulpit, you have an open space to be able to ask questions you have about the church and there is no commitment at the end of it.”
Everyone’s faith journey is different, but we all thrive when we have a community surrounding us. Becoming HP Pres offers people the chance to ask questions and learn about who we are as a church. We’d love to join you in finding and following Jesus and can’t wait to become HP Pres together!