What does the Third Third look like?

Third Third Luncheons
Every Third Thursday
Gather with others who are 55+ and enjoy lunch with a timely, relevant, and interesting program. Whatever you are interested in, the luncheons provide a warm and welcoming environment and time of learning and fellowship.

Films with Friends
Join us quarterly for a private screening of classic Hollywood favorites! We'll have fresh-popped movie theater popcorn, along with all the movie treats you remember. Free admission and snacks!
Upcoming Third Third Opportunities
Third Third on Sundays
9:30 am – Hunt Center, Room A
Class Leader/teacher: T. Hardie, Anne Compton
Class Mission: Our Goal is to foster community through our small group discussions and to witness the continuing Acts of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the lives of others.
Who Attends: Primarily 50s through 70s; couples and singles.
Class Structure: Class begins with announcements, opening prayer with prayer requests, discussion of the lesson led by T. Hardie.
9:30 am – Hunt Center, Room B
Class Leader/teacher: Jane Matthiesen, Andy Raub
Class Mission: Our class provides practical insights between scripture and daily living.
Who Attends: Our class is primarily made up of empty-nesters and retirees. Average attendance 40.
Class Structure: The class begins with 10-15 minutes of conversation and prayer, followed by 40-45 minutes of teaching.
9:30 am – Hunt Center, Room C
Class Leader: Walter Gast and other instructors.
Class Mission: The Disciples Class is an intergenerational community of believers devoted to the study and discussion of Scripture, fellowship and mutual care, and celebration of the Christian life.
Who Attends: The Disciples Class is a warm and welcoming, multigenerational community of disciples with historical roots at HP Pres, reaching back many years.
Class Structure: Class begins with a brief welcome and announcements, an opening prayer and lesson, followed by a time of fellowship.
9:15 am – Hunt Center, Room F
Class Leader: A rotating team of 4 teachers, led by Wes and Kirsten Garwood
Class Mission: To study God’s Word, apply it in our daily lives, and to support the members of our class in their walk with the Lord.
Who Attends: Members have children in high school, college or beyond, with some becoming grandparents.
Class Structure: We begin each class with prayer requests and praises, followed by 40-45 minutes of teaching with class discussion. Average attendance 25-30.
Third Third Resources
Helpful Links
Email Becky Stockum, Adult Program Director