Highland Park


Make our big church feel smaller by entering into community. Community groups range in size, frequency, format, and composition. But what they share is a
commitment to helping one another find and follow Jesus.

Community Groups

Community Video Preview

Life-Changing Community

Transform in Life-Changing Community

Our groups are a place to learn how to live out Scripture with friends who show grace, honesty, and care for each other. We'll help you find a place in an
existing group or start a new group. The best way to get started is by filling out this interest form.

Community Groups

There's a Group for You

What do Community Groups look like?

Our groups are generally 8-14 people that meet biweekly or every other week. We have Couple's, Men's, Women's, Co-Ed, and Student groups that meet at various times and days of the week.

Many of our groups use discussion questions based on the previous Sunday’s sermon to guide their time together. Alternatively, some groups decide to follow a book study or other curriculum to learn about a particular topic. We help resource your group to find the content that's right for you.

Medium shot of a man in a blue shirt telling a story
Closeup of woman speaking in an interview
Woman in a white dress sitting in a chair and being interviewed

Stories of Community

"My community loves me well and points me to Jesus."

Maggie's Story

"Meeting with other guys in different walks of life has taught me things I'd never know about if it weren't for my small group."

Scott's Story

"Community Groups have been the way I've grown the most in my faith."

Ashley's Story

"My community loves me well and points me to Jesus."

Maggie's Story

"Meeting with other guys in different walks of life has taught me things I'd never know about if it weren't for my small group."

Scott's Story
