Highland Park


“Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” - Jesus

End of life planning, funerals, and memorial services

We trust that Jesus tells us the truth, but death can still be hard to talk about. We’re here to help you when a loved one dies or to prepare for your own passing. Our pastors and team members can help navigate difficult conversations, provide spiritual care, and offer practical guidance.

If you’ve had a death in the family, please contact Kelli Harrison, Care Coordinator, to make funeral arrangements and speak with a pastor.

stained glass
reflection of sanctuary

Planning Ahead

Making plans for your funeral or memorial service in advance can provide peace of mind now and helpfully guide your loved ones later on. Meeting with one of our team members now provides time to prayerfully consider what's important as we celebrate this life and anticipate the next.

Reviewing the resources below may be helpful before your meeting.

Columbarium Expansion - Above

Columbarium Updates

A place to honor our loved ones

In the spring of 2025, we began expanding the Columbarium to accommodate roughly 700 new niches. Construction began Monday, Feb. 3, and will extend through the end of the summer. Inurnments and visitation in this area will be closed until the project is completed, but memorials will continue as usual. Extreme care will be given to ensure that the current Columbarium is undisturbed throughout this project.

Once new niches become available, communication about purchasing will be sent via the weekly email.

For any immediate questions, please contact the Columbarium team at 214-525-4230 or email us at columbarium@hppres.org.


Email us with the button below, or call 214-525-4230.