Highland Park


Teaching your 1st-4th Grader about God’s love and helping their faith become their own.


boy raising hand

Sunday Mornings

Available at 9:30 and 11 am

Our team has created special lessons that includes worship songs to sing along with, engaging & inspiring lessons, and activities for the kids.


Wednesday night from 6-7:30 pm

Join us every Wednesday night from 6-7:30 pm for 1-4th grade Bible study. Come hear about Jesus, play fun games, and spend time with friends. Invite all your friends. Dinner will be provided!

Special Considerations Room

Special Considerations Room

In Matthew 18:4-5, Jesus teaches us that “whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.”

We offer a Special Considerations Room as a dedicated respite space for kids who need a moment to relax and recharge. With the support of a friendly volunteer buddy, children can take a break in a calm environment before rejoining their peers. Our goal is for every child to learn alongside their classmates, while also recognizing that everyone occasionally needs a breather. Located on the second floor of the Alexander Building in Room 24, this space ensures that every child feels supported and can thrive in their own way.

Every person is precious to our Father in heaven. It is our hope that HP Pres will be an environment that children can experience God’s love in a way that makes them feel safe and understood.

Elementary FAQ

Children will enjoy a special lesson that includes worship, a message, and fun activities that reinforce our Christ Connection for the morning.

At 9:30 am, children begin in classrooms according to their grade and then shift to Alexander Hall for our large-group worship. This hour sees higher attendance than at 11 am.

At 11 am, all grades 1-4 come together in Alexander Hall for the full hour where we dance and sing, read from the Bible, and play!

VBS 2024 - Start the Party!

Start the Party!

Start the Party!


Email Isabelle Heard, Director of Elementary