What Does Domestic Abuse Look Like?
Dynamics of Domestic Violence with Brittany Hooper & Liza Raynor
Abuse Can Happen in Many Forms
No matter context, abuse is not your fault, and we want to help you get safe and recover. Intimate Partner Abuse, often referred to as domestic violence, is when a partner uses power and control to systematically diminish their intimate partner. Abuse may be verbal, emotional, physical, spiritual, or sexual. The abused partner may feel diminished, intimidated, controlled, or scared by the dominant partner’s abusive behaviors. 1 in 4 women have been physically assaulted by an intimate partner. Domestic violence occurs across all demographics, including all socioeconomic levels. Our church would be grateful to walk with you in your pursuit of safety, dignity, recovery, and community. We can also connect you with a specialized helper like Genesis Women’s Shelter and other programs.
Contact Emily Scates, Pastoral Resident, at 214-681-6043 or email her for confidential support and care:
Physical and sexual violence stems from power and control. It often looks like:
- Emotional Abuse
- Shaming and belittling.
- Making partners feel crazy, confused, and criticized.
- Isolating partner with jealousy and control.
- Blaming partner for problems.
- Using children for guilt, threats, or harassment.
- Blackmailingor threatening with rumors, blame, or photos.
- Verbal Abuse
- Gaslighting (creating doubt and confusion).
- Name-calling.
- Making crude marks or put-downs.
- Yelling, screaming, or raging.
- Making threats or spreading rumors.
- Financial Abuse
- Controlling work by either prohibiting employment or enforcing it.
- Controlling how money is spent and saved.
- Denying direct access to bank accounts.
- Spiritual Abuse
- Using scripture and beliefs to justify abusive behaviors.
- Ridiculing another person’s religious or spiritual beliefs.
- Using a partner’s religious beliefs to manipulate, shame, or control them.
- Physical Abuse
- Punching, hitting, pushing, pinching, strangling.
- Driving recklessly.
- Using weapons.
- Throwing phones and destroying property.
- Abusing children and pets.
- Sexual assault, coercion, threats, and blackmail.
- Emotional Abuse
Healthy, non-abusive relationships exhibit equality being partners. This often looks like:
- Safety
- Talking and acting in ways that are safe and not threatening or demeaning
- Respect
- Listeningnon-judgmentally.
- Being emotionally affirming and understanding.
- Valuing opinions.
- Trust and Support
- Supporting each other’s goals in life.
- Respecting rights to own feelings, friends, activities, and opinions.
- Honesty and Accountability
- Accepting responsibility for self.
- Admitting being wrong.
- Communicating openly and truthfully.
- Responsible Parenting
- Sharing parenting responsibilities.
- Being a positive, non-violent role model for the children.
- Financial Partnership& Shared Responsibility
- Mutually agreeing on a fair distribution of work.
- Making family decisions together.
- Making money decisions together.
- Making sure both partners benefit from financial arrangements.
- Negotiation and Fairness
- Seeking mutually satisfying resolutions to conflict.
- Accepting change.
- Being willing to compromise.
Genesis Women’s Shelter
All of the services provided by the Genesis Women’s Shelter are free and include safety planning, counseling, education groups, legal resources, and emergency shelter.
- 24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 214-946-4357
- Free Counseling, Education, and Consultation: 214-389-7700
- Learn more: genesisshelter.org