Highland Park

Flourishing in the Third Third

  • When October 1 - November 5
  • Time 7:00 pm
  • Location Room H and Zoom
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Do you have a vision for how your third/third years (55+) can be the most fruitful and productive of your life? Faithfully navigating the transitions of the empty nest, retirement, and changes in physical health requires a plan.

Our “Flourishing in the Third Third of Life” class will be held Tuesdays; October 1 – November 5. We encourage empty nesters and pre- or post-retirees to join and learn about the importance of relationships, the unexpected power of remembering, and the transforming influence of purpose and calling.

This class is the result of a partnership between HP Pres and the Max De Pree Center for Leadership at Fuller Seminary. It is also available via Zoom.


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